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Personal Leadership Development

What drives you and your behaviour? The Personal Leadership Development Programme (PLD) puts the way you act in business under the microscope. So, you can consider how you operate on personal and professional levels, while discovering and applying new leadership theories and ideas. Throughout the Executive MBA, you will come to know your true strengths through our specially designed intensive workshops, custom assessment tools and 360-degree feedback sessions. During interactive sessions you can identify exactly how to build on your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.

The PLD programme will take place throughout the entire MBA journey.


Individual Coaching

During the programme you will have three individual coaching sessions with a professional coach. Within the programme the coach provides personalised guidance and support to help participants enhance their leadership skills and achieve their professional goals. The coach works one-on-one with you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, develop tailored strategies for improvement, and navigate any challenges they may face. This coaching process helps participants apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, fostering both personal and professional growth throughout the programme.


Personal Development

All of us learn and develop in our leadership at a natural pace throughout our lives – during PLD we accelerate that process to get you ready for that next career jump. PLD carves out precious time, often difficult to find in day-to-day life, to reflect opon cultivating our strenghts, being aware of our challenges, and becoming more purpose-driven in our work and life. Your leadership journey starts with two years interspersed during the Executive MBA, but should last a lifetime and aims to create forces for positive change – generating impact in those areas of work life that matter most to you.

Prof. Hannes Leroy, Professor for Personal Leadership Development, Executive MBA.


"I was never trained for this!"

As Dr. Hannes Leroy puts it in his TED-Talk, there are plenty of leaders, who feel untrained for their position, while there is not a single surgeon,  who feels the same. 
Watch here the TED-Talk.

"Personal Leadership Development" (PLD) is key to our Executive MBA and taught by the very same Dr. Hannes Leroy, where our EMBA students can develop themselves through intense workshops and coaching sessions. 



Group work, case studies, in-class exercises and discussions are all designed to make you examine your attitude and behaviour, while feedback from your peers offers opportunities to analyse your actions and enhance your personal effectiveness – all in a low-risk and confidential environment.