Our Accreditations
Our Accreditations
Accreditation of higher education institutions and programmes is an external means of assuring higher education quality. The aim is to ensure quality in teaching and education, improve international comparability and create transparency.
EQUIS Accreditation
In May 2023, the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, to which UCBS belongs structurally, was officially accredited by the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) with the EQUIS seal (European Quality Improvement System) for a further five years. This is a special recognition of our high quality standards, which only five business schools in Germany currently enjoy. The aim of the internationally recognised EQUIS accreditation is to introduce a uniform, European quality standard for business schools that meets international benchmarks. The successful EQUIS accreditation emphasises the comprehensive efforts to continuously improve the quality of studies and teaching at an internationally competitive level and to distinguish itself in Germany and abroad through traditional subject diversity, cutting-edge research, practical relevance and internationality. The partner university Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University with which UCBS offers the Cologne-Rotterdam EMBA, is also EQUIS accredited.
System accreditation

The Cologne-Rotterdam EMBA programme has been successfully reaccredited as part of the University of Cologne's system accreditation procedure. The reaccreditation of the Cologne-Rotterdam EMBA was decided on 19 September 2023 by the Rectorate of the University of Cologne for a further eight years. You can find the accreditation report here on the University of Cologne website. System accreditation: In autumn 2023, the Accreditation Council awarded the University of Cologne the "System accredited" seal for the next eight years. The subject of system accreditation is a university's internal quality assurance system. System accreditation gives the University of Cologne the right to award the seal of the Accreditation Council itself for the study programmes it has audited. System accreditation certifies that the University of Cologne's quality management system in the area of teaching and learning is suitable for guaranteeing the achievement of qualification objectives and the quality standards of its study programmes. The university bears the quality seal of the "System accredited" foundation. More information on the system accreditation of the University of Cologne can be found here.
Educational Leave & Education Voucher
The University of Cologne Business School has been accredited by the state of North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW) and the Cologne-Rotterdam EMBA as well as our certificate programmes and open programmes are state-approved educational programmes. Thus, EMBA students and participants of our programmes living and working in NRW are eligible to apply for five days of educational paid leave per year.
Additionally, you are eligible for an education voucher "Bildungsscheck", which means that the state of NRW may grant you a financial aid of up to 500 € for further education purposes.
For more information contact us via business-schooluni-koeln.de.