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Digital Transformation Programme for Executives

Join the compelling Digital Transformation Programme for Executives developed by the University of Cologne Business School in cooperation with its renowned partner universities IVEY Business School (Toronto) and SSE Stockholm School of Economics (Stockholm).


Programme Description

The programme introduces concepts and methods about how to cope with the challenges of today’s digital technologies. It focusses on what you need to know with respect to innovation strategy and digital business models. The interactive case-based approach will enable you to immediately apply state-of-the-art concepts and tools to innovate your own business and make you a driving force as a digital leader.


  • Define and execute own digital acceleration agenda
  • Understand and think about master core concepts and requirements of digital solutions
  • Understand the advantage of the hybrid approach (human machine) and requirements to win in the future


  • Advance own brand and position business practices through tailored case studies
  • Benefit from the expertise of some of the most renowned professors from UoC, Ivey and SSE
  • Build relationships with leaders for knowledge sharing and potential collaborations

Target Group

Executives with a minimum of 10 years professional experience at senior management level.


5 modules à 4 hrs (on site and online)


All modules at a glance

Module 1: Digital Leadership

  • Digital Transformation - Opportunity for Change?
  • Transformative Trends
  • Hurdles of Organisational Change and How to Overcome

Date: tba

Location: online

Lecturer: Prof Detlef Schoder, University of Cologne


Module 2: Digital Mindset & AI

Teilnehmende im Kurs

  • Organisational Ambidexterity
  • Innovator‘s Dilemma and Toxic Thinking
  • Generative AI and Innovation

Date: tba

Location: online

Lecturer: Prof Detlef Schoder, University of Cologne


Module 3: Internet of Things

Members in the course

  • Data Management and Analytics for IoT
  • Value Creation and Capture in IoT
  • Organising for IoT Design and Implementation

Date: tba

Location: online

Lecturers: Prof. Frida Pemer & Prof. Holmer Kok, Stockholm School of Economics 


Module 4: Omnichannel

Discussion during the programme

  • Customer Journey
  • Channel Conflict and Omnichannel Challenges
  • Customer Access in the Era of AI

Date: tba

Location: online 

Lecturer: Prof. Hernan Bruno, University of Cologne 


Module 5: Analytics & Data Dividend


  • Predictive Analytics and Applications
  • Prescriptive Analytics and Optimisation
  • Tools and Organisational Maturity

Date: tba

Location: online

Lecturer: Prof Greg Zaric, Ivey Business School


Programme Fees

4.950 € incl. VAT (10% discount for alumni)

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