Digital Transformation & Entrepreneurship
This programme is for to candidates who wish to obtain a better understanding of digital transformation and are interested in mastering their entrepreneurial process. It consists of two courses – Digital Business Model Innovation and Entrepreneurship – each one taught by a different lecturer.
Key Facts


Work Experience



In the first course – Digital Business Model Innovation – you will gain knowledge on how to treat and exploit “information”
as the core resource of modern value creation and understand the economic and technological key trends that
are at the heart of the digital transformation. You will also learn what “Data-Centricity” means for today’s companies and
which role data plays for innovating business models. The seminar helps you to develop your personal agenda for how to
meet challenges of digital innovation and to deploy Business Model Innovation and Business Patterns for transforming your
business unit or company.
Entrepreneurship encompasses proactive, innovative and risk-taking behavior in the face of uncertainty. In this seminar,
you will obtain a detailed understanding how entrepreneurship helps coping with the duality of a) exploiting new business
opportunities and b) flexibly dealing with unforeseen challenges. The course provides you with tools and concepts that allow
for mastering the entrepreneurial process - from idea generation, over prototyping to market testing - in the fast changing
environment of the digital age.
- Analysis of real-word companies (e.g. Uber, AirBnB, Nest, Tesla) and innovation activities of well-known digital players (e.g. Google X Labs (Alphabet), Amazon, Microsoft) in addition to more recent start-up initiatives
- Get inspired by the course while defining your digital agenda fo r yourself, your team, your company.
- In-class team exercises that combine all elements of this course
- Final case study to identify, value and select an own fictive or real new business opportunity
Learning objectives & benefits
- Deploy Business Patterns of prominent companies in order to systematically derive variants of your business model.
- Learn how your business model is or likely will be affected through modern IT.
- Gain a detailed understanding about Corporate Entrepreneurship and Start-up Entrepreneurship
- Develop a sensitivity for the importance of entrepreneurship in today’s fast changing business world.
- Equipment with a state-of-the-art toolbox that is usable to behave entrepreneurial.
- and more...
Prof. Dr Detlef Schoder
Professor for Information Systems and Information Management at the University of Cologne
Prof. Schoder focuses on data-centric product, process and business model innovations. For the application of Artificial Intelligence, he and his partner companies won several awards including the IATA Innovation Award 2016 and the German Innovation Prize (Finalist). He also won the “Innovation Award” by the German Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) for individualised media. Considered the leading introductory book on “Information Systems”, he received the VHB Text Book Award 2017. Detelf Schoder has worked in Germany, USA, Republic of Kazakhstan and Japan

Prof. Dr. Christian Schwens
Professor of Business Administration and Head of the Endowed Chair for Interdisciplinary Management Science at the University of Cologne.
Prof. Dr. Christian Schwens is the holder of the endowed chair for Business Administration, particularly Management Science for non-business scientists, at the University of Cologne. Additionally, he is the scientific director of the Excellence Start-Up Center (ESC) GATEWAY - the university's start-up incubator. His research focuses on interdisciplinary management, start-up entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship, and international entrepreneurship.