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Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA

Part-time Executive MBA

The part-time EMBA will prepare you for all obstacles and responsibilities you are going to encounter as an executive amongst national and international top-managers. Hence, it is forward-looking with a focus on real-world practice in business and additionally offers you a variety of benefits.

The Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA enables you to fully exploit your leadership potential, improve your management skills and strengthen your personal brand. You create added value to yourself and your employer, without interrupting your career.  After 24 months, you get two MBAs from two of Europe's most prestigious universities. One MBA degree of the University of Cologne and one MBA of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.


International Double MBA

The triple-crowned Rotterdam School of Management is one of the Top 10 business schools in Europe. With its excellent reputation in research and teaching, RSM has built a strong network of global companies in the port city of Rotterdam over its 45 year history. 

The University of Cologne is characterised by its long tradition and success in academic management training. Further, it is located in the heart of a region, which has had a great impact on the European industry and trade for many centuries.


Global Network

The Cologne-Rotterdam EMBA also offers you an excellent and exclusive network of global-minded executives. You will be taught by Executive Faculty and industry experts with an international reputation, who will provide you with the latest scientific findings in a practical and competent manner.




Part-time: 24 months Start - annualy in September


Alternating weekends from Friday evening to Saturday afternoon
Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

Minimum 4 years of work experience, First academic degree, First experiences in managing people or projects and English language proficiency: Level B2


Double MBA: MBA from University of Cologne and MBA from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.


59,500 Euro (until July 15% Lifelong Learning Discount)

What do our students say?

“My EMBA will benefit me in many ways: I’ve had the opportunity to network with many amazing people, and I’ve already been able to use the methods we’ve learned in important ways in my job. But the main benefit to me is the ways in which I have grown in character and confidence as I’ve learned from and interacted with people around the world from diverse fields and viewpoints, and examined my own responses to those situations.“

Myrle Krantz, Executive MBA 2020, Director of Engineering at a Software Development Company




Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA at a glance

  • Double MBA from two top institutions
  • Convenient schedule structured around your lifestyle with a straightforward weekend format
  • Prepares you for the senior management level
  • Focus on your soft skills and increase your leadership skills with the Personal Leadership Development Programme and individual coachings
  • Connects you with international peers 
  • Network with more than 49,000 alumni worldwide

Get in touch with us!

Visit lectures at the business school and get to know our students and professors on campus, or take part in an information event. You are also welcome to contact us at any time for a personal consultation at or +49 152 515 26892



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